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The stove is the heart of the home and is one of the most frequently used appliances as well. Which is why it is not surprising that stoves eventually need repair. As necessary as it is to repair a faulty stove, the process can be expensive but a massive tend in your finances.

To avoid have to repair your stove or look into stove replacement in Westminster, CO you need to a follow a few simple techniques to keep your stove in excellent working condition over a long period of time.


Cleaning Your StoveThe stove is a magnet for spills because of the elements you are cooking with. Water is easily cleaned up but other more viscous substances can do permanent damage to your stove. When a spill happens, try and clean it up as soon as possible before it has time to dry and harden on the stove.

You can use a simple damp cloth, paper towels, or a sponge to clean away the spills on the surface of the stove but take extra care to clean the parts that are not immediately visible – such as the burner plates and knobs. These tend to soak in liquid and cause the parts inside to erode or rot, which will stop your stove from working.

If you are able, take off the knobs and wash them in warm soapy water so the spilled substances can’t damage it. If your cooktop opens up, check under the hood for any leaks from the spill and clean thoroughly.

Old Stains

If you haven’t cleaned your cooktop in a while, you may need to buy a scraper to clean the residue and debris that has built up over the months or years. The scraper is a good tool that removes the dirt without you having to put in too much effort, while avoiding any long-lasting damage to your appliance.

Hi-Tech Appliance-Your High-End Appliance Provider

Stoves, like most appliances, have a finite lifespan because of how much they are used. Cleaning the stove can maintain it for a period of time, but you may need to bring in professionals for your stove repair replacement eventually. Be sure to reach out to Hi-Tech Appliance for your repair and replacement needs.

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