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If you’re doing a kitchen remodel, you’ve got quite a few decisions ahead of you. One of those decisions is whether or not to install built-in appliances or have them as stand-alone units. Each has their own benefits—here’s what you need to know.

Stand Alone Appliances

Stand-alone appliances, also known as freestanding appliances, do exactly what they stay—they sit freely without being physically built into the kitchen. There are a few benefits to installing freestanding appliances in your Louisville, Colorado remodel.

  • Cost – Freestanding appliances don’t require as much work to install, which makes their cost significantly lower than if you were to build them in. Of course, there are exceptions to this if you’re going with something particularly high end, but in general, it’s less expensive.
  • Installation – As you might imagine, there is a little less work that goes into installing a freestanding appliance. You don’t have to plan ahead as much.
  • Making changes – If you ever decide you want to upgrade or change any of your appliances, it’s easier to do so than with built-ins.

Built-In Appliances

Built-in appliances require a lot of forethought, but a kitchen with built-in appliances looks sleek and tidy. Like with freestanding appliances, there are some benefits to go this route.

  • Visual appeal – Simply put, built-ins look fantastic. They are seamlessly integrated into the walls and countertops, which create a visually pleasing kitchen.
  • Separate components – When you build your appliances into the kitchen, you have a little more flexibility in what goes where. For example, you can have a built-in gas stovetop on the countertop and an electric oven built into the wall.

Viking in Colorado

Contact Hi-Tech Appliance to speak to one of our custom built-in appliance experts. We can help you find the right appliances for your home while installing them in a way that blends in with the rest of the kitchen.

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