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Anyone who has ever had residential refrigerator repair done in Northglen, CO, will know how costly it can sometimes be when dealing with a major issue. That is why you need to make sure that you are doing everything you can in order to keep your fridge running for as long as possible. To help increase your refrigerator’s longevity, here are some essential maintenance tasks you should be getting done on a regular basis.

Counter Depth Refrigerator

Freezer units can occasionally develop a build-up of frost.

Remove Any Items From the Top of It

It is very common for people to treat the top of their fridge as just another storage space where they stack various things. However, in the interest of proper fridge maintenance, you should be making sure that the top of the fridge is clear at all times. This is because the top of the fridge is where it releases a lot of its excess heat. Therefore, if there are things up there at trapping the heat inside of the fridge, then it is going to force it to use even more energy in order to try and maintain its cold internal temperature.

Defrost the Freezer

If you own a newer fridge model, then the need to defrost the freezer is not going to be as strong, but it is still a good thing to do. This is because moisture can be unintentionally introduced into the freezer component over time, which results in a buildup of frost. If too much frost forms in the freezer, then it becomes an issue that puts a strain on the fridge motor. That is why you should make sure to defrost the freezer area of your refrigerator at least once every four to six months.

Get yourself a superior refrigerator that requires minimal maintenance by contacting our team at Hi-Tech Appliance today.

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